Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hashem, just please bring him home!

I'm getting so burnt out on this latest media frenzy concerning Jonathan. I just can't take all the theories, speculations, backtracking and rumors. All I know is that I deeply need him to come home to us now. This country needs it. The Jewish people as a whole need it. On a deeper spiritual level perhaps the whole world needs it. But besides all that I come back to the fact that I need it. Though I mourn over the yearning for a brother whose been in prison almost as long as I've been alive, and one whom even if freed I may never merit to actually meet in person, none the less I have a hole in my heart that will never be healed until I know he is walking a free man in the same streets that I do.

Rav Mordechai Eliyahu said that Jonathan is the Yosef HaTzaddik of our generation. A rav of mine whom was a close talmid of Rav Eliyahu told me once that the Rav additionally said just as Yosef rose to greatness when he was released from prison, so to when Jonathan is finally released he will return to Israel and rise to greatness as well.

In honor of Pesach approaching and all this talk of Jonathan's potential freedom in the air, I'd like to repost "Yehonatan's Song" I originally put on the old Kumah blog several years ago. It's a parable both of Jonathan and his relationship to Am Yisrael and his wife, as well as our national relationship to G-d while in the galut. May we merit to see his happy and healthy return home as well as Rav Eliyahu's words come true - ken yehi ratzon...

Behind the bars within my heart
My thoughts begin to stray
With all this pain I start to ask
Why it has to be this way?
But then my thoughts, they turn to you
And suddenly I’m free
I never have forgotten you
So please don’t forget me

Father won’t you take me by the hand?
And lead me straight to your promised land
And all that we’ve done wrong
Won’t you please set right?
The road is hard and oh so long
Traveled by singers of a solemn song
But within all this darkness
You’ve shown me the light
Please bring redemption, set me free!!
And let the whole world proclaim and see
That there’s a G-d in Israel tonight
Yes, there’s a G-d in Israel tonight.

Stuck inside this concrete pit
Underneath the ground
My enemies, they never stop
To try and bring me down
And the flame of hope lights up my heart
From deep within this hole
They may have trapped my body
But they’ll never trap my soul

Father won’t you take me by the hand?
And lead me straight to your promised land
And all that we’ve done wrong
Won’t you please set right?
The road is hard and oh so long
Traveled by singers of a solemn song
But within all this darkness
You’ve shown me the light
Please bring redemption, set me free!!
And let the whole world proclaim and see
That there’s a G-d in Israel tonight
Yes, there’s a G-d in Israel tonight.

Another week, another month
The years go on and on
It’s sometimes hard to smile
After being here so long
My love for you is strong enough
To always show a way
To not give up and hold on tight
And live another day

Father won’t you take me by the hand?
And lead me straight to your promised land
And all that we’ve done wrong
Won’t you please set right?
The road is hard and oh so long
Traveled by singers of a solemn song
But within all this darkness
You’ve shown me the light
Please bring redemption, set me free!!
And let the whole world proclaim and see
That there’s a G-d in Israel tonight
Yes, there’s a G-d in Israel tonight.